Bridgeman Arts

A Little More

Glasgow City Centre is a host to thousands of residents, hard-working local business and traders, training centres, advocacy agencies, church and community groups and of course a whole lot more. With this in mind, we try to design an event that works for the widest possible range of stakeholders in a way that allows all of the above to feel that they too have an access point for our events.


The Giant Turkey Dinner prop below ‘served’ as a focal-point/ centrepiece for local restaurants to use to give their activities and brands a profile. We understand that they may not be able to free up staff and time to contribute extensively to the event and that is why we often create items like this to help them to be represented as part of the community too - which they of course are.

We work closely with the city centre marketing teams and related departments, the Chamber of Commerce and others to try and find innovative ways of facilitating access and also to enhance the experience for all with an understanding that a healthy and active city centre is a good thing for the wider community. “People make Glasgow” as the saying goes.


Some cities have Christmas Events that are famous the world over - the New York Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade is a good example. The one thing that New York City, Rio and few other imperial cities too have that we don’t, are streets of such impressively large dimensions and that feature allows them the scope to build items of such world-leading scale. Bridgeman Arts is harnessing local talent and using site-specific knowledge to make better use of our tiny wee streets so that we can do something wonderful too